Monday, November 17, 2014

"Retail is Detail"


                                         RETAIL IS DETAIL

 This old adage has been repeated year after year in “Brick and Mortar” retail.
 The blog will take a monthly look at tried and true retail best practices, and how
 to best apply them to today’s online selling.   

 Because it’s November we are taking a look at how best to manage seasonal items.

-         All brick and mortar stores are doing things differently right now for seasonal sales
-         Notice “big box” retailers from Neiman Marcus to Walmart look different. You 
      will see “gift-able” items in positions outside the department they usually live in; as
      an example; Slipper outposts, boxed jewelry tables in aisles, fun seasonal impulse
      items near cashier desks.

  While we don’t have a physical store to set up we should be aware of the principle that
  drive these changes and how we can apply them to our shops.

  First and foremost - seasonal items have the shortest window of "sale-ability" in the
  mind of customers.  In fact that window starts closing as the holiday draws near.
  The day after a holiday customers see these seasonal items as clearance.

  Ok,  let’s apply this to selling Vintage online:

      Now is the time your seasonal items, holiday specific clothing and accessories should be featured in prominent positions in your shop

    *Plan Now, decide if you will have a clearance event on the 26th.  If not be sure to move your seasonal items to a less prominent location in your shop (after the holiday)

    Plan Now a fresh and different look for your shop on the 26th or sooner

* Because we are selling Vintage, seasonal items often continue to have value beyond the current year,  just be sure to put them in a less prominent spot in your shop.

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